Resource Library
Enjoy the collection of resources collected during our research & cited in our blog posts.
Recruitment Tools Overview
Maurer, R. (2017). 2017 recruiting trends point to technology driving change. HRNews, Retrieved from
McWilliams, O., & Budoff, J. R. (2019). 5 best practices for implementing AI in the workplace. BenefitsPRO, Retrieved from
Tsai, W., Chi, N., Huang, T., & Hsu, A. (2011). The effects of applicant résumé contents on recruiters’ hiring recommendations: The mediating roles of recruiter fit perceptions. Applied Psychology, 60(2), 231-254. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2010.00434.x
Video Interview
Social Profiling
A Beginners Guide to Social Media for Job Seekers
LinkedIn Optimization
[2] Rangel, L. (2014). Writing a LinkedIn profile to get found by recruiters. Career Plann Adult Dev J, 30(2).
[3] Berk, R. A. (2013). LINKEDIN TRILOGY: Part 2. Creating an Eye-Popping Profile to Be Found and Network with LinkedIn Optimization. The Journal of Faculty Development, 27(3), 63.
[4] Cooper, J. M. (2014). HUMANIZING the LINKEDIN PROFILE Why Resume Content Isn’t Enough. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 30(2), 117.
Additional Resources
- Berk, R. A. (2013). LinkedIn trilogy: Part 2. Creating an eye-popping profile to be found and network with LinkedIn optimization. The Journal of Faculty Development, 27(3), 63.
- Blacksmith, N., Willford, J., & Behrend, T. (2016). Technology in the employment interview: A meta-analysis and future research agenda. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 2(1).
- Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Winsborough, D., Sherman, R. A., & Hogan, R. (2016). New talent signals: Shiny new objects or a brave new world? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(3), 621-640.
- Chen, L., Zhao, R., Leong, C. W., Lehman, B., Feng, G., & Hoque, M. E. (2017). Automated video interview judgment on a large-sized corpus collected online. Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 504-509.
- Cooper, J. M. (2014). Humanizing the LinkedIn profile: Why resume content isn’t enough. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 30(2), 117.
Council of Europe Recommendation. (2010). Of the Committee of Ministers to member states: on the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data in the context of profiling. Retrieved from
details.aspx?ObjectId=09000016805cdd00 - Cripps, B. (Ed.). (2017). Psychometric testing: Critical perspectives. John Wiley & Sons.
- Evuleocha, S. U., & Ugbah, S. D. (2018). Profiling: The efficacy of using social networking sites for job screening. Journal of Employment Counseling, 55(2), 48-57.
- Ferraris, V., Bosco, F., Cafiero, G., D’Angelo, E., & Suloyeva, Y. (2013). Defining profiling. Retrieved from
- Geyik, S. C., Guo, Q., Hu, B., Ozcaglar, C., Thakkar, K., Wu, X., & Kenthapadi, K. (2018, June). Talent search and recommendation systems at LinkedIn: Practical challenges and lessons learned. In The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval (pp. 1353-1354). ACM.
- Harwell, D. (2018). Wanted: The ‘perfect babysitter.’ Must pass AI scan for respect and attitude. Washington Post. Retrieved from
technology/2018/11/16/wanted-perfect-babysitter-must-pass-ai-scan-respect-attitude/ - Ha-Thuc, V., Venkataraman, G., Rodriguez, M., Sinha, S., Sundaram, S., & Guo, L. (2015, October). Personalized expertise search at LinkedIn. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 1238-1247). IEEE.
- Ha-Thuc, V., Xu, Y., Kanduri, S. P., Wu, X., Dialani, V., Yan, Y., … & Sinha, S. (2016, April). Search by ideal candidates: Next generation of talent search at LinkedIn. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (pp. 195-198).
- International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.
- Mitrou, L., Kandias, M., Stavrou, V., & Gritzalis, D. (2014). Social media profiling: A Panopticon or Omniopticon tool? In Proceeding of the 6th Conference of the Surveillance Studies Network.
- Muralidhar, S., Nguyen, L., & Gatica-Perez, D. (2018). Words worth: Verbal content and hirability impressions in YouTube video resumes. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, 322–327.
- Naim, I., Tanveer, Md. I., Gildea, D., & Hoque, M. E. (2018). Automated analysis and prediction of job interview performance. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 9(2), 191–204.
- Ozcaglar, C., Geyik, S., Schmitz, B., Sharma, P., Shelkovnykov, A., Ma, Y., & Buchanan, E. (2019, May).
- Entity personalized talent search models with tree interaction features. In The World Wide Web Conference (pp. 3116-3122). ACM.
- Rangel, L. (2014). Writing a LinkedIn profile to get found by recruiters. Career Plann Adult Dev J, 30(2).
- Thibodeaux, W. (2017). This Artificial Intelligence can predict how you’ll behave at work based on social media. Inc. This Morning newsletter. Retrieved from
com/wanda-thibodeaux/this-artificial-intelligence-can-use-social-media-to-tell-hiring-managers-about-your-personality.html - Thies, C. (2012). Building an effective LinkedIn profile. In The social media handbook for financial advisors: How to use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to build and grow your business (pp. 167-217). John Wiley & Sons. Wintersberger, D. (Ed.). (2017). International human resource management: A case study approach. Kogan Page Publishers.